Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So. Far. Behind.

I'm a little conflicted here. Since I was home for about a month and my TiVo is in NYC, I became very behind on television shows that I have grown to love. I am now lost in TV land and not sure where to go. Do I spend valuable time going back to watch 4, 5, 6 hour marathons on Hulu of shows to catch up? Or, do I just suck it up and jump right back in and get around to watching the shows I missed over the summer? Because I've gotten so far backlogged, I don't watch the current episodes that have been recorded and then those end up deleting themselves to make room for newer content. It's a never-ending cycle of please watch me or I will go away! So here I sit. In a conundrum.

In other news, I'm also very far behind in life in general. You know, with this whole job search thing. I've become more proactive though, which is good, but I often feel like it's too little too late. Many of my friends have finally gotten over the hump that I still can't seem to climb. Stupid Miley Cyrus song now in my head. But, to be honest, it's kind of true. I know I will get there eventually, but it sure is taking its sweet ass time. I am so over the delay in the start of my real adult life. Real responsibilities would be a blessing right about now. But I guess it's good Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

And on that note, off to do more packing for a Floridian adventure.