Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I feel accomplished

Today, I finally found a dress for my cousin's wedding which is on Sunday. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right? I realize that I was procrastinating looking for one because I didn't think anything would look good. Not the right way to think about things at all. I was fully expecting to end up wearing some random garment out of my closet. Well, that is no longer the case. I randomly walked into White House, Black Market for the first time since visiting one in Florida early last year, and poof, there was my future dress on a hanger. It is black and white and red and flowery and just stunning. I think it's funny that this is what I'm wearing, considering Kathryn told me no black, white or red for her and Chris's wedding last November. But anyway, they had my size and I immediately went to the dressing room. It was perfect. They even gave me shoes to try on with it to complete the look. Et Voila, I now have an outfit for the wedding. Phew! Crisis averted and I feel so accomplished that I found something I really do love. Perserverance prevails!

It really shouldn't have taken me this long

So, for someone who wants to work, live, eat, and breathe media and television, you'd think having a blog would be a done deal. Well, I have finally decided to embrace the new technology at my fingertips and start one. Most posts will probably be about television, you know, because I watch a lot of it. But, as it goes on, I hope it develops into something more than that. Something that teaches me about myself. And you know, if it helps me get a job along the way, that would just be a bonus.

Stay tuned.

By the way, I'm entirely shocked that it's already September 2009. Time really does fly; when you're having fun and when you aren't.